Training took place in the former cowshed

Waibstadt. (cla) Mutual help and understanding for mutual progress and well-being as well as the best possible use of body and mind are the philosophical principles on which the sport of judo is based. For more than 50 years, the judoka of the Waibstadt gymnastics club have been pursuing their passion and training the most widespread martial art in the world in the community.
Judo is suitable for everyone who wants to be active in sports. Since we are less involved in competitive sports and more in recreational sports, the focus is on exercise and fitness, ”explains Steffen Reissner. The judo department head looks after 80 members, including many young people, who are looked after by the two experienced coaches Hans Poth and Josch Raffai. “From our experience, the start at the age of six is ​​perfect. But of course we are just as happy to take in older children and young people as we are adults, ”explains Reissner. The martial artists always train on Tuesdays and Fridays in the “Dojo”, which is located on the upper floor of the Waibstadt town hall. “Training twice a week is ideal,” says Reissner. Judo is perfect for everyone who wants to exercise, wants to exert themselves physically and is not afraid of competing with a partner in close contact. In addition, there is a general fitness group led by Klaus Plitzner-Matzka, which is dedicated to back exercises on Tuesday evenings.
The department heads who have directed the fortunes of the judo department over the past five decades meet regularly in good company. Then people like to talk about the “old times”. “It all started in 1968 at my home in the former cowshed. There I installed a wooden floor padded with foam, on which we trained for the first few years, ”remembers Wolfgang Boppré, who is simply called“ Bob ”by his friends. For 32 years he shaped the judo department. During this time the judoka joined the gymnastics club and after several moves found their home in the town hall. “We used to have a competition team in the association league with really good fighters,” explains today’s honorary department head. In terms of sport, he even made it to the second Bundesliga. For financial reasons, however, this adventure was foregone.
Today’s TV CEO Boris Schmitt followed in Boppré’s footsteps as a department head. “We gradually oriented ourselves towards popular sport,” he recalls. “With contact sports you don’t have any distance. This leads to good friendships that continue to support the department to this day, ”says Schmitt, who grew up in the department practically from childhood. “Asian martial arts already fascinated me as a teenager,” says Frank Glombik, who inherited Schmitt in office and is now deputy head of department. “The virtues of discipline and mutual respect are high values. You are in friendly competition with your opponent. That’s what I like about judo, ”says Glombik.
In addition to the sport, those responsible have always attached great importance to the community. “The highlight for everyone is the tent camp, which takes place every two years,” says the current department head, Reissner. Family outings, which have been popular in the past, will also take place more frequently in the future. The cohesion of the “DAN-bearers”, ie the fighters of the Waibstadt gymnastics club, who are allowed to wear the black belt, is also close. Once a year they go on a special trip together. “We always welcome new members,” agree the department heads.


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