The message of your championship is the possibility of accomplishing the impossible

Tehran (IQNA) -The leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, has said that young Iranians are the target of a hostile campaign to kill hope among them and condemn them to despair and despair. depression.

Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks on Saturday during a meeting with medalists who have competed in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

“The most important message of the championship of athletes bringing glory to the country in international arenas is the possibility to accomplish impossible things and to carry the message of endurance, hope and vitality to society and to the youth. “said the leader.

The leader also referred to the Iranian athletes’ championship despite some restrictions.

“The fact that despite these restrictions, the flag of the country is hoisted and that the world stands are conquered, it is a sign of strong will and determination”, declared the leader.

“This determination, this will, this heroism and this generation of hope exist not only in sport but also in the fields of science, technology, art and literature, and one of the important duties of state officials is to honestly show these honors, “he added. .

Ayatollah Khamenei also said that certain manifestations of human, religious and spiritual values ​​by Iranian athletes, such as praying, kissing their rivals, competing in full hijab and showing love for their national flag are very valuable.

“Iranian female athletes have proven in these competitions that the Islamic hijab does not prevent them from shining in sports, just as they have already proven in the fields of politics, science and management.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the Iranian female athlete’s hijab paved the way for female athletes from other Islamic countries, adding that athletes from more than 10 Islamic countries participated in the games this year in full hijabs.

Another significant problem, the leader said, is the growing number of athletes refusing to recognize Israel by not facing its representatives. “This is a very important question,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.

“The ruthless, genocidal and illegitimate Zionist regime is trying to gain legitimacy by participating in international sports arenas, and the world of arrogance is helping it, but sports officials and honorable athletes should not be passive in this regard at all. . “

The leader spoke of the Israeli regime’s retaliatory measures, trying to suspend or ban such refusniks.

“Sports and Foreign Affairs ministries and legal bodies should pursue this issue through legal channels and support our athletes and even Muslim athletes from other countries, such as the Algerian athlete who was recently banned,” he said. ‘ayatollah Khamenei.

The leader was apparently referring to Fethi Nourine who was suspended last week with his coach for 10 years by the International Judo Federation (IJF) for withdrawing from the Tokyo Olympics after the draw put him in front of an Israeli.




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