the Legion of Honor for medalists of the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games

Emmanuel Macron will receive, Monday, September 13 at the Elysée, the Olympic and Paralympic medalists French for a ceremony. On this occasion, he will give them their Legions of Honor from 6:00 p.m. in the presence of Prime Minister Jean Castex, Minister of Education Jean-Michel Blanquer, Secretary of State for Disabled People Sophie Cluzel and the Minister Delegate in charge of Sports Roxana Maracineanu.

A medal for the athletes who shone at the Olympics

The President of the Republic rewards the French athletes who obtained a medal at the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo with a Legion of Honor or the National Order of Merit. This is a special promotion, traditionally awarded after an Olympic edition. Names have been published in the Official Journal of September 10, 2021.

The athletes were 129 to wear the colors of Île-de-France. Olympic athletes from Ile-de-France won 20 medals and Paralympic athletes from Ile-de-France won 12 medals. Fifteen medals were won by Sport Ambassadors from the Region.

Officer of the Legion of Honor

This is the most important title. They are only six to become officers of the Legion of Honor of which Teddy Riner gold medal (by mixed team) and bronze medal (category over 100 kg) in judo and Luc Abalo d’Ivry-sur-Seine in the Val-de-Marne, (gold medal in handball) at the Olympic Games.

Fabien Lamirault de Longjumeau (Essonne), double gold medal in table tennis (singles and team) at the Paralympic Games, also obtained this title.

The knight athletes of the Legion of Honor

They all got at least one gold medal.

Paralympic Games

Charles-Antoine Kouakou in athletics: gold medal (400m)

For the Olympic Games, the names of:

Clarisse Agbégnénou in judo : double gold medal in judo (mixed team and individual, category less than 63 kg)

Amandine Buchard in Judo: gold medal (by mixed team) and silver medal (less than 52 kg)

Sarah-Léonie Cysique in judo : gold medal (by mixed team) and silver (category less than 57 kg)

Madeleine Malonga in judo : gold medal (by mixed team) and silver medal (less than 78 kg)

Romane Dicko in judo : gold medal (by mixed team) and bronze medal (over 78 kg)

Sarah Cysique in judo : gold medal (by mixed team) and silver (category less than 57 kg)

Kilian Le Blouch in judo : gold medal (by mixed team)

Romain Cannone in fencing: gold medal (individual sword)

Maxime Pauty in fencing: gold medal (team foil)

Julien Mertine in fencing: gold medal (team foil)

Yann Genty in handball: gold medal

Vincent Gerard in handball: gold medal

Nedim Remilli in handball: gold medal

Laura Flippes in handball: gold medal in handball

Officer and Knight of the National Order of Merit

Only one athlete from Ile-de-France obtains the title of obe awarded the Order of Merit. It’s Astrid Guyart, silver medal in fencing (team foil).

Most of the other Ile-de-France medalists become Knights of the Order of Merit.


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