Supports the fan help (daily newspaper Junge Welt)

imago images / Matthias Koch

Red: Aesthetics live in Berlin (May 22nd, 2021)

The natural enemy of the weekend civil servant, also known as the SKB, is the common football fan. And so the civil servant, also known as civil servant, does not like it at all when he invokes his basic rights and calls in a fan lawyer to support him. Team Blau regards with even greater suspicion when representatives of fan aid provide assistance.

Fan help is available at more and more locations where fan scenes are organized. Usually in the legal form of an association, so you can become a member there. In return, they get advice and help when they get caught up in the judiciary. It is obvious that the police do not like this kind of thing.

As a fan lawyer, I also think this form of organization is good. In my most active time I would have been happy to have such committed colleagues by my side. That is why we, as the Fananwälte AG, and I myself support the local organizations. All the more so since there has even been an umbrella organization for a few months in which a large number of them have already organized. I also support the fan helpers in their daily work. So supporters of my heart association asked me to advise them on founding a fan aid. I was happy to comply with that, and so there is now also fan help for Berlin-Hohenschönhausen. This was only logical, as the big fan scenes from Charlottenburg and Köpenick have had fan help for a long time. I am also invited to a members’ meeting of a local group next week to give a lecture on the rights and obligations of club members and to answer questions. So do my colleagues at the Fananwälte AG.

I can only recommend every fan to join their local group or to support them. With their voluntary work they work in the service of fan rights and ensure more justice in this area towards the police. Especially in times like these, when there is an election campaign and domestic politicians dream of further restrictions on the rights of the accused, it can only be in the interest of all citizens if support from fans also contributes to more rule of law in the social field of football.

“Sport free!” From the fan lawyer


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