Success in the Mes Patrio Golf Tournament – El Sol de Tampico

Luis Miguel Rodríguez, Román García and Víctor Sandoval were proclaimed champions of the National Golf Month Tournament, held in the executive field of Camp El Sábalo del Corona Regatta Club, fair that had a participation of just over 70 competitors and in which Jorge Fayad also got a “hole in one” on hole 4.

The contest was carried out in the modality “a go go”, with teams of three players and it was a success, both in terms of participation and competitive level, but above all the El Sábalo field continues to be characterized by the great atmosphere that is generated during the events that take place there.

The champions of the tournament, Luis Miguel Rodríguez, Román García and Víctor Sandoval, totaled with 51 strokes, while the second place in the competition, made up of Javier Hurtado, Lalo García and Javier Lucas added 52 hits.

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The first two places were awarded in a simple but significant ceremony held at the end of the actions with the presence of the vice president of the Corona Regatta Club, Daniel García Casanova, as well as Enrique Acosta and Javier Hurtado, who lead the Golf Committee 2021.


On the other hand, Jorge Fayad managed to make history on the executive golf course of the Corona Regatas Club by getting a “hole in one” on hole 4, which is why he was congratulated by his fellow players.



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