Sports Unit of the Belén neighborhood closed by a bird’s nest | Medellin – Medellin – Colombia

The Medellín authorities announced the closure of the Sports Unit of the Belén neighborhood due to the fact that a bird of the ‘Vanellus Chilensis’ it put its nest in the grass of the soccer field of the complex.

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For this reason the sports village will be disabled for 45 days while this bird classified as ‘exotic’ breeds its chicks. Thus, all the activities that were scheduled to take place in this place were canceled.

According to versions of the local authorities, the eggs had already hatched, that is, the chicks would be in their first stages of life, learning to survive.

During this first stage of life, their mother will be in charge of teaching them the basics so that they can get along with autonomy around the world.

This is how the Medellín authorities considered the 45 days closing time as an adequate period for the hatchlings to carry out the adaptation process in the best possible way.

“We have to wait for parental care until they take flight and have autonomy”, indicated María Isabel López, biologist of the Environmental team from Medellín.

(You may be interested in: Colombia is the third country in variety of species, thanks to its location).

For 45 days this bird will be raising its children until they can be autonomous.


Javier Nieto / TIME

Exotic bird in Medellín

For 45 days this bird will be raising its children until they can be autonomous.


Javier Nieto / TIME

Exotic bird in Medellín

For 45 days this bird will be raising its children until they can be autonomous.


Javier Nieto / TIME

For his part, López advised not to give any kind of foodBecause it is parents who naturally provide food for their children, an important act in the development of their flying skills.

The environmental team Medellín is taking charge of the due care of these animals.

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