Saavedra closes the Spanish booty with a bronze shot

Laura Marta

Updated:09/05/2021 05:26h


Spain completes the Tokyo Paralympic Games with a total of 36 medals: 9 gold, 15 silver and 12 bronze. The last medal, won on the last day of competition, in shooting, by Juan Antonio Saavedra. First bronze for him, twelfth for the delegation.

The Galician, who was silver in London 2012, conquered this last medal with a score of 226.3, behind Veronika Vadovicova, gold, and the Swedish Anna Normann, in her fifth participation in the Paralympic Games.

He came to the Paralympic sport after a 15-year-old had to amputate his left arm as a result of cancer and participated in swimming world championships before opting for marksmanship and precision shooting.

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