Raphael Maitimo and 2 Persita Foreign Players Absent Against Persib


Raphael Maitimo is officially in uniform for Persita Tangerang at Shopee Liga 1 2020

BOLASPORT.COM – Persita Tangerang will face Persib Bandung in the second week of Liga 1 2021, Saturday (11/9/2021).

Ahead of the match against Persib Bandung, three Persita Tangerang players are confirmed to be absent.

The three players are two of them foreign pillars namely Alex Goncalves and Bae Sin-yeong.

According to Tangerang Persita Team Manager, I Nyoman Suryanthara, the two foreign players were absent due to vaccine regulations.

Previously, Alex Goncalves and Bae Sin-yeong were also absent when Persita Tangerang won 2-1 against Persipura Jayapura in the first week of Liga 1 2021 at Pakansari Stadium, Cibinong, Bogor Regency, West Java, Saturday (28/8/2021).

As for another name that is absent is Raphael Maitimo.

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“Alex and Yeong have just received their first dose of vaccine.”

“So we make sure they both can’t play in the second match because they still have to wait for the next dose of vaccine.”



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