OM: Mandanda, Cheyrou’s opinion

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Suddenly dispossessed of his starting status for the benefit of Pau Lopez, goalkeeper Steve Mandanda (36 years old, 3 games in L1 this season) finds himself at the center of a debate which sparks much ink on the side of the Olympic de Marseilles. Like other alumni like Mathieu Valbuena, ex-OM midfielder Benoît Cheyrou gave his opinion on the issue.

“I know what Steve can bring on the field and in the locker room. It’s intangible, but very important…, put forward the consultant of Prime Video, ex-teammate of the goalkeeper on the Canebière, in the columns of the newspaper Provence. If the current keeper were Donnarumma or Navas, we could say that he is much better. It’s easier to accept when the one who takes your place is much stronger than you. ” One way to emphasize that Lopez is not necessarily …

Read 4.626 times – by Romain Lantheaume on 09/29/2021 at 17:31


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