Ntamack’s lightning, Skelton sees red

The French champion who begins with a victory, a Marcel-Deflandre stadium which pushed in vain but also the red card of Will Skelton … Find the Tops and Flops of the match between Rochelais and Toulouse (16-20).


The undisputed champion is Toulouse
Reigning champions of France and Europe, the Toulousains advance as the favorites for the Brennus race version 2021-2022. And what could be better as a signal sent to the big teams than to win on the ground of the vice-champion of France? Manhandled for an hour, the visitors seemed in difficulty. Like all great teams, the Rouge et Noir were able to make the difference on a stroke of brilliance, that of its opener Romain Ntamack (65e).

The (numerous) absences did not weigh on the Toulouse residents
The French champion advanced with a team decimated by absences due to injuries (Charlie Faumuina, Emmanuel Meafou, Pita Ahki, Pierre Fouyssac and Iosefa Tekori) and because of selections (Rynardht Esltadt, Juan Cruz Mallia, Santiago Chocobares and Anthony Jelonch ). Well helped by the return of their opener Romain Ntamack, the Toulousans made the round back for an hour before taking the measure of the premises.

The Marcel-Deflandre stadium has responded
This first day of Top 14 version 2021-2022 made it possible to find the public in all the stadiums of Top 14. That of the Marcel-Deflandre stadium, surely one of the noisiest of our championship, has not failed in its reputation this evening. He pushed like a 16th man the entire time. And he got annoyed at the red card of his second row Will Skelton.


The lack of realism of La Rochelle
But how Ronan O’Gara’s men were able to return to the locker room at the break with a single point lead on the scoreboard (10-9)? Dominators in all areas of the game, the Maritimes have nonetheless favored the penalty kicks for each penalty obtained. They scored only one try, via Jules Favre (18e). A lack of realism which cost dearly in the final count. And the second defeat in two years at home for the Maritimes against the Haut-Garonnais.

Will Skelton, the gesture that rocked the match
We play the 57th minute. La Rochelle dominates the meeting and plays his hand. On an innocuous percussion of Rory Arnold, the Australian giant involuntarily hit the head of his compatriot with his arm. The sanction, logical, caused the fall of his teammates, distraught without the density of their second line.

Plisson, three failures that cost a lot
Opener Jules Plisson missed the target three times this Sunday evening. Three penalties that were in his strings. Add to that the failure of Jules Le Bail, who took over the goal late in the game, and you get 12 points left behind. A crippling figure against the formidable champions of France.



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