NBA: “Having Ricky always adds up, he’s a super underrated player in the NBA”

Por fifth consecutive season Radio Marca crosses the Atlantic on the transocenic flight of ‘American Nights’. The program hosted by Abraham Romero returns to the weekly grid to tell about everything that happens in American sports, especially in the NBA and the NFL, and begins this new year by reviewing the situation of the Spanish players in the best basketball league. of the world.

The main topic of the gathering was the future of a Ricky Rubio who there are still possibilities to see outside of Cleveland before the regular league begins. “The point guard position is the most competitive and in terms of candidate teams it is difficult to find a bone as a starting point guard for 30 minutes per game. You have to remember that in recent years Ricky has had very bad luck with the projects, but you have to Look out for next summer really, which is when he’s going to be able to re-elect as a free agent. We’ll see if he’s able to find a place as a starting point guard on a big team or if he has to relegate himself to a somewhat more secondary role in a big team. competitive team “, pointed out the journalist from Gigantes Andrs Monje.

For Guillermo Garca, editor of MARCA, the point guard of El Masnou may be weighed down by the poster he has as a passer: “The starting point guard position is expensive. And even more so when you enter a player archetype. Ricky has been labeled as an organizing and facilitating base, but he is not taken into account as a great offensive reference and that can weigh him down “.

Another of the moments of the program was the interview with the youtuber ‘Trescoball’, an ex from the Bara quarry who is now followed by more than 300,000 people on his YouTube channel. An adventure that began in 2018 after seeing himself on the court “up to seven or eight times” with Luka Doncic “unstoppable” whom he now follows as one more NBA fan.

As a fan of the Sixers Trescoball, he is clear about the direction the squad has to follow: “I have been very supportive of Ben Simmons so far, but I think the best thing is his departure. If he does not want to be, the best thing is that he is more comfortable and that he can grow as a player and we bring in someone who can help Embiid go further in the playoffs, which we always fall a little half by. ”

On the possibility of seeing Ricky Rubio in those Sixers, Oriol opens wide the doors of the Philadelphia locker room: “Having Ricky always adds up to play well because it makes everyone feel comfortable on the court. I think he’s super underrated in the NBA. “



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