MotoGp Misano 2021, Valentino Rossi conquers everyone and the city turns yellow

Misano, 18 September 2021 – Misano whole tint of yellow in the name of Vale. The three towers of San Marino illuminated in the driver’s favorite color. TO Tavullia – where ‘the doctor’ grew up and has his own Ranch – shows, concerts and parade of historic motorcycles. But the yellow tide will flood especially tomorrow at Misano World Circuit, when of the 25 thousand lucky ones who managed to find a ticket for the San Marino Grand Prix, a large majority will wear something yellow.

The VIPs in the paddock at Misano – Valentino at Misano with the pink helmet dedicated to his daughter – Misano is preparing for the appointment with the MotoGP. The seaside area is dressed in yellow in homage to Rossi – Dovi and Morbido are back, Vale star at home A thrilling weekend starts in Misano

OUR SPECIAL ‘This is Valentino Rossi’

“Among the spectators – confirms the mayor of Misano Fabrizio Piccioni – there will be many tourists, many from abroad, Germany, Switzerland, Holland, who have filled hotels and restaurants, and will be dressed in yellow. We owe a lot to Vale, he has given prestige and resonance to our territory. “All on the shores of the Adriatic to greet the rider who more than any other has made fans dream of over the last 26 years, those of the extraordinary racing career of Rossi, the legend, ‘The Doctor’, the phenomenon of the nine world titles won.

Valentino Rossi and Francesca Sofia Novello in Mirabilandia, the future beautiful and happy parents – Valentino Rossi soon dad, Francesca Sofia Novello pregnant: “What a wonderful feeling”

Francesca Sofia Novello and Valentino Rossi at Mirabilandia

Tonight in Misano a parade of top motorcycle brands, then a concert in the square and fireworks. Tomorrow the highlight of the celebrations will be on the track, before and, above all, at the end of the MotoGP race. Epicenter are the three stands of Valentino’s loyalists, Brutapela, Brutapela Gold and Brutapela 2, where 9,000 fans will be stationed. Under the stands at the end of the race, Rossi will stop for the greeting, with a choreography that the Fan Club announces imposing, while the commissioners will wave the yellow flags. On the lawn of the Curvone a banner of 100 meters by 15 meters, also obviously yellow, with the words ‘To be continued’ which will make an appointment at the next GP in Misano on 24 October. The ‘doctor’ is in his fifth to last race, penultimate at the World Circuit.


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