Milan, Bakayoko replies to racists: “Kessie and I are proud of the color of our skin” | News

San Siro reacted promptly, Milan have announced that they are considering presenting a complaint in the FIGC, now also intervenes Bakayoko. I racist chants addressed by ultras of Lazio the Rossoneri midfielder (and teammate Kessie) heard clearly during yesterday afternoon’s match: now, just as clearly and promptly, those responsible must be identified and punished. This is what we all expect and what Bakayoko himself rightly asks and expects: “I thank the Rossoneri fans for the welcome they have given me” wrote the Frenchman today on his Instagram profile. “And to those Lazio fans who addressed me and my brother Frank Kessie I say that we are strong and proud of the color of our skin. I have full confidence that our club will be able to identify them. “


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