Marie-Antoinette Katoto among the 40 most influential French people of the year

Each year a handful of women are selected by Forbes magazine. 40, in all. This year, Marie-Antoinette Katoto is one of them. Forbes intends to highlight “40 remarkable women who marked the year. The latter evolve in different circles, from entrepreneurship, to sport through science. The magazine features “talented and inspiring women who have broken the glass ceiling. »A panel of five judges establishes the ranking.

At 22, Marie-Antoinette Katoto therefore marked the year 2021. The striker distinguished herself by leading her team to the title. The first in the history of the PSG women’s section. Les Parisiennes put an end to 14 years of Lyon hegemony. Katoto finished two years in a row top scorer in the women’s championship, in 2019 and 2020. This season she had to cede the top step of the podium to the Bordelaise Khadija Shaw (22 goals). But the Parisienne is behind her with 21 goals scored.

The PSG striker is not the only sportswoman, nor the only distinguished footballer. Lyon’s Wendie Renard is accompanying her in this ranking. The judokate Clarisse Agbégnénou, twice titled in Tokyo, individually and by team, is also on the list.

Marie-Antoinette Katoto will soon join the gathering of the France team. Les Bleues must play two qualifying matches for the 2023 World Cup, on September 17 and 21. Its coach, Corinne Deacon was also named in this ranking, in 2020.


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