Losses for Latvian hockey players in Champions League games

The teams represented by Latvian hockey players Maris Bičevskis, Krister Gudļevskis and Ronalds Ķēniņš suffered losses on Thursday in the International Hockey Federation (IIHF) Champions League games.

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The Czech team “Mlada Boleslav” represented by the striker Bičevska lost to the Swedish team “Frolunda” in Gothenburg with the result 3: 4 (1: 1, 1: 1, 1: 2).

Maris Bičevskis threw three times on the ice in 13 minutes and 42 seconds, won six of 17 throws and had a negative efficiency of -1.

“Mlada Boleslav” has scored one point in the three Group B games so far and is the last, fourth.

Meanwhile, the Slovak club “Slovan” represented by goalkeeper Gudlevska at the home of Bratislava “Sloven” recognized the superiority of the Swedish team “Leksands” with the result 2: 4 (0: 2, 1: 0, 1: 2).

Kristers Gudļevskis fought off 34 of the 38 opponents’ throws.

“Slovan” in subgroup F is without points and no longer expects to enter the playoffs.

The Swiss unit “Lausanne”, represented by the attacking king, also failed, giving up 0: 3 (0: 0, 0: 1, 0: 2) to the Finnish team Rauma “Lukko”.

Ronalds Ķēniņš threw the goal three times in 17 minutes and 44 seconds, concluding the fight with a neutral efficiency.

The Lausanne have two points in three games, giving only a fourth place in Group C.

There are 32 teams in the Champions League, divided into eight subgroups of four units each. The main tournament will end on October 13, when each team will have played six games in the group. The playoffs will then start, culminating on March 1, 2022, when the final is scheduled.

2020/2021 Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the tournament was not played in the 2007 season.

2019/2020. In the CHL final in Gothenburg, “Frolunda Indians” won 3: 1 Hradec Kralova “Mountfield”, which included Oskars Cibulskis.

The tournament took place for the first time in 2014/15. during the season. It has never played Continental Hockey League (KHL) units before.


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