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“Mbappé, in the Eurocopa, was not well of head”

After the match between France and Finland, most of the spotlights and praises were directed at the Benzema-Griezmann couple.. The madridista and the rojiblanco finally managed to understand each other. Something that they had not achieved since the Madridista’s pardon. However, there is still a task for Deschamps, manage to make them fit also with Mbappé: when the PSG player played, Grizi was seen in the background. Daniel Riolo, a renowned French journalist, has spoken about it on the microphones of the ‘After Foot’ program.

“The situation must be clarified immediately. If you put Mbappé instead of Martial tonight, you have a very interesting threesome. The problem is that it has not been tested like this Tuesday, with Griezmann of ten and the other two ahead. But above all, they they should talk and say, ‘let’s play together’ “, Riolo began before touching on another issue, that of the frustrated transfer of Mbappé to Madrid, and relate it to the performance of the bondynois in the Eurocup.

In the Euro, I think Mbappé was not in a good head. Like it or not, the situation surrounding his contract must have haunted him. He’s not going through a great period, mentally speaking. The something that surpassed him and Benzema. They wanted to make each other shine, but the best possible conditions have not been given. “And finally, he broke a spear in favor of Kylian after the good performance of Les Bleus without him: “Do not come to say that it is better played without Mbappé, because that is enormous bullshit.”


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