Judo Club Nippon says thank you with a microfiber cloth

Judo Club Nippon thanks you with a microfiber cloth with the club logo

Judo in times of Corona is a great challenge and contact sports in particular have a hard time meeting the desired standards. As a thank you for your loyalty in this difficult time, the dojo thanks you Judo Club Nippon St. Gallen with its members with a printed microfiber cloth adorned with their club logo.

Microfiber cloths are light, compact and absorbent. They are practical companions as a bath towel after exercise or on the beach, for a picnic or while trekking. In addition, they can be individually personalized and designed over the entire surface.

Fortunately, training, tournaments and championships can take place again in the Judo Club Nippon. This pleases all members, from children to adults.

Some history of judo
World championships, Olympic Games, gold medals, titles – all too often today sport is reduced to big events and the measurable success that goes with them. Winners are highly praised, losers are criticized by the public and dropped. Jigoro Kano, the founder of judo, created a sport that is more. In it, the sporting competition is combined with ideals such as respect, respect for the opponent and oneself, as well as physical and mental perfection.

Links on the subject
Microfiber cloths

Judo Club Nippon St. Gallen


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