Huelva hosts this weekend the Sports Fair

The fifth Sports Fair of Huelva will become the main protagonist of this weekend in the city with about thirty activities that will take place from Friday to Sunday, thanks to the participation of a total of 29 Huelva clubs and sports centers of different modalities.

This event promoted by the Huelva City Council will take place both in the gardens of the Casa Colón, as well as in the Plaza del Punto and the Plaza de la Constitución, where sports exhibitions will take place with a duration of 30 minutes.

As highlighted by the Councilor for Citizen Participation and Sports, María Teresa Flores, “the objective of the City Council ands to promote grassroots sports and that sports activities do not stop in the city, which makes this event the perfect showcase to show the wide variety of proposals offered by the Huelva clubs and gyms, as well as to make the different disciplines known by experts ”.

In this framework, it should be noted that this year badminton will have “special prominence, given the proximity of the Badminton World Cup, the largest sporting event in the history of Huelva and for which we are already warming up, counting on this occasion with the participation of ‘Onuba‘, the official mascot, which will be invigorating different activities among children and young people ”.

In this way, during this Friday, Saturday and Sunday they will happen in Huelva training and match demonstrations, in order that the entire families can enjoy this intense sports weekend in the safe spaces that the Consistory has enabled for the development of this Fair.

Thus, as the technical coordinator of this event, Emilio Muñoz, has advanced, “in order to know the wide range of this new season in Huelva, in the three stages abroad, citizens will be able to see basketball players in action , paddle tennis or badminton, as well as see samples of rhythmic gymnastics, skating, Nordic walking, fencing or yoga, a wide range of modalities which, along with many others, are taught from the clubs in the capital and mobilize the majority of Huelva athletes ”.

Through this fair, people from Huelva will have the opportunity to enjoy for three days a consolidated event that once again positions the city as the Capital of Sports, a long-awaited appointment that last year had to be celebrated with many limitations due to the situation of the pandemic but that, thanks to the progressive return to normality, returns in 2021 with numerous activities and surprises.

On the other hand, this event aimed at promoting grassroots sports is also very important for the City Council because it will contribute to reinforcing fundamental sections such as equal opportunities, the prevention of gender violence and the integration of people. migrants or groups with disabilities. All this, without forgetting values ​​such as solidarity, effort, discipline or teamwork that are so closely linked to sports practice.

Finally, it should be noted that the entire programming This fifth Sports Fair can already be consulted on the official website of this event, where the schedules and locations of the different proposals are included in detail. In addition, this year the Fair will also have its own YouTube channel.



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