Golf: Augusto Núñez struck a masterstroke

It was his turn to hit an exit and the ritual began: adjusting his shirt, then his cap, standing on the tee, make one or two false movements at once, place your feet well, fix your eyes on the ball, raise the stick and boom! The difference of what Augusto Nunez He did with respect to his rivals was that while the ball traveled through the air, he accompanied it with a phrase out loud. “Whoa, whoa, right, go on …”

– At what point did you realize that you could no longer miss the triumph?

– On the 17th hole. I knew it was an important moment, because until then we came together with “Sapo” Costilla. He tried to force me, but he had to do his best because I was solid. Then he took one shot and missed. There a beautiful sensation ran through my body. I celebrated to myself. He was convinced that 18 was going to play well. I did it calm, slow, steady.

Because of those things in life, “Cuchu” ended up becoming champion of the 54th North Open of golf, when days before it began, he had not even considered playing it. “He convinced me “Okín” Monastery, also my family. It was not good, I was tired from the season I did on the Korn Ferry Tour in the US, in which I lost the card by very few points. I felt saturation. But I ended up agreeing to play the Open if my dad accompanied me with the clubs, ”said Núñez.

Four days a full in the tournament they were crowned with a title that Núñez thoroughly enjoyed, hugging his father for a long time Ramon Enrique, a Dina (your daughter’s mother Luján), his brothers and friends. “In the end I cried, I got emotional, I hugged everyone,” he said.

At green of the 18th hole, Núñez holed for eagle and thus gave the final design to a card of 63 strokes (-8) for an aggregate of 263 (-21), beating by two to Cesar Costilla in a high school heads up definition.

In the tournament that was played in the Alpa Sumaj field of Jockey Club, who occupied third place was another from Tucumán, Leonardo Ledesma (-17), who had started the last day as a leader. Meanwhile, they tied for fourth place Martin Contini and the Cordoba Clodomiro Carranza with (-15). Jorge Monroy, 6th with 217, and Andres Romero, 8th with 273, were the other tucumanos in the top ten.

Núñez was a hit behind Costilla and Ledesma at the start of the day, but managed to recover. A birdie in hole 4 it was the prelude to what was to come; He took the tip and did not release it anymore. His game of irons was his ace up his sleeve to win.

“In 17 I realized that I could win. But the moment that stuck with me was in 18: I made a great start, then I got a great iron at green and I left it at three meters for eagle. And then I got the putt”Said the champion happily, at the end.


Juan Martín Loureiro became champion of the Open in the Scracht category, with 278 strokes.Meanwhile, the local Jaime Nougués Cossio had a remarkable closing in Up to 3, with which he achieved the title, with 292.

More champions

Ana María Cossio, Soledad Molinuevo, Luis Manuel Paz, Aurelio Beverina (h), Gabriel Pillitteri, Simón Paz Posse and Gonzalo Lamarca were other champions in fans. María Carmen Bruchmann, was the best gross score for ladies.



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