Gaillac. Badminton is back to school

The start of the ASPTT badminton class will start this Thursday from 6 p.m. for young people and 7:30 p.m. for adults, at the Pichery gymnasium. Access conditions will of course be subject to the health pass in force.

The last season was practically non-existent, and the club as soon as possible organized sessions, even during the summer holidays, in order to be able to find the ground and the conviviality which many were lacking, all this in respect rules. In addition, the club will grant a significant discount for the licensees of last season who have hardly played.

The season is looking good despite the uncertainties. The desire to play, to exert oneself, to find other players and conviviality will undoubtedly be there. The still very low prices do not make you hesitate too much to take a membership in leisure or competition.

In addition, ASPTT Gaillac is launching two new activities for the beginning of October. Kidisport for 3-6 year olds physical awakening activities at the Camus gymnasium. There is also touchtennis, a kind of playful tennis, flexible rules, with special foam balls.

All these activities will be presented to you at our stand during the association festival on September 11.


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