Fabián Coito: ‘Playing with a full stadium in El Salvador will be a motivating element for our team’ – Diez

Fabián Coito already spoke in Salvadoran lands and analyzed his next rival in the qualifying rounds for the Qatar 2022 World Cup.

Selection of Honduras is already in El Salvador and they were immediately subjected to anti-Covid-19 tests

The Bicolor coach commented on playing with the public at the Cuscatlán stadium, the idea that he prepares for Sunday’s match and Andy Najar’s performance against Canada.

First feelings after the clash against Canada

“The result is good, but beyond the scoreboard, I think the best was the process of the game, Honduras was orderly, knowing what we wanted to show on the field, how to try to control the rival, where to hurt him and that. It gives peace of mind. You have to turn the page and keep thinking about this triple FIFA date and there is not much time to stay seeing what happened, you have to think about what is coming, so good, happy, satisfied and calm with the result “.

What about Choco Lozano and Alex López, can they play on Sunday?

“They will be in recovery and we are going to see if they have time to recover.” Shouldn’t we risk them? Asks the journalist. “” If they are not well, we will not put them in, we will not count on them. First, because the matches are very demanding and it would force to use a variant outside of a sports performance and you also have to take care of the professional’s physique “.

How have you analyzed the El Salvador team?

“Personally, I have seen a lot from El Salvador, until yesterday. I am going to see that game now as part of the preparation, they have had an important change, they have grown at a collective level, a team that has played good matches against rival teams from the area, therefore, you have to be very careful, also for its players and the idea they have as a team. A team that goes to the front, that presses high and that attacks with a lot of people. It will be a very tough game, but we also have things to get the result “.

Concacaf responds and explains the reason why there will be no VAR in the Octagonal heading to Qatar 2022

How much is Honduras going to change in your idea by Sunday?

“No two games are the same, therefore, it will be a different duel from Canada, the first date has already been played, there have been results and encounters that are generating sensations in footballers and coaches, that must be analyzed and see with which players each FIFA date is reached. We will have to concentrate on this match looking askance at the next one (USA) due to the physical condition of the footballers. “

What kind of team can we expect against El Salvador, knowing that they have the heat of the public?

“Trying to control the first minutes, that is a characteristic of the games that we have to play as a visitor, because the home team, supported by the emotion of the public, comes out with the intention of quickly seeking to gain an advantage. Therefore, you have to control that. “.

Andy Najar Were you surprised by his performance against Canada?

“I don’t want to talk much about performance because it can lead to misinterpretations and I’m not interested either, but not because of the idea that Andy has maintained, he is a very intense player, always committed to attack and defense, that is a characteristic of a footballer. modern and after everything that has happened to him, he is regaining confidence “.

The environment that will be lived Do you think you can influence the group?

“That will influence, according to the character and temperament of each footballer, I believe that this is a motivating element for our team, playing with that feeling of having the stadium against you, but that motivates the player to perform better, more attention and care “.

Defined the referee quartet for the El Salvador-Honduras match in Cuscatlán by the Octagonal

How is Choco Lozano, what is his injury?

“He left Cádiz-Osasuna at halftime with a muscular overload, because of the game he was playing and what he had ahead of him, they took the precaution of taking him off the field, he did not arrive in optimal conditions for the first game and we decided not to have He will follow the evolution and we will see if we can count on him for the match against El Salvador. “



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