Duplantis wants to go over the WR of 6m19, but officials don’t get the bar on height | Athletics

Mondo Duplantis was in full swing at the Memorial Van Damme. The pole vaulter went smoothly over 6m05 and won his session anyway. Duplantis decided to try his hand at his own world record, but had to exercise some patience.

The officials did not immediately get the bar at the right height. Something that not only led to stress and nervousness for them, but also for the Swedish world record holder himself. Duplantis was visibly irritated.

After a few minutes of waiting, he was allowed to prepare for 3 attempts at 6m19. He did that in front of an enthusiastic audience that had stayed put to witness this closing spectacle. Unfortunately, the world record today was a bit too ambitious.

Nervousness among the officials: crossbar not hit at 6m19

Watch Mondo Duplantis’s long wait and 3 attempts


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