Crazy, Hejnová shakes her head. Nevertheless, she set herself a very bold goal

Until the last minute, you postponed the verdict on whether to fly to the Olympics in Tokyo. How difficult was the decision?

I could go, but I really didn’t just want to participate. I knew I wasn’t in shape to show the performance I wanted. It’s probably also due to the postponement of the games, I was ready in 2020, then my motivation fell and it was difficult to return to training. After returning from a training camp in Africa, Achilovka hurt me so much that she didn’t let me into the race.

How’s the tendon you’ve been working with for a long time, now?

I have to knock, she’s fine. I tried to train and keep up so I could run after the Olympics, but her condition didn’t improve. So I had to stop running, started cycling and swimming more, and my leg improved. Now I trotted without pain. I’ve tried almost everything in the world during treatment, there is probably no single recipe for this. It will take something, something at all…

Obstacle Zuzana Hejnová has another athletic season ahead of her.

Ondrej Deml, ČTK

Even thanks to the improvement of the condition of your leg, have you decided to prolong your career?

I am very glad that even though I didn’t run out this year, they trusted me at Dukla and they supported me. I would like to prepare even more, she also ran in the hall, because I don’t just enjoy training. Together with Dukla and the union, we are now putting together a plan for what the preparation for the next season will look like, whether I will fly to Africa or somewhere else.

You have never allowed yourself to concentrate in Africa.

It’s warm there and I can be on the table with the physiotherapist three times a week, so I can handle two-phase training without any problems. It’s colder here and you can’t use physiotherapy or massage as often, it’s more complicated. If I want to prepare for the next season, I don’t see another place. But of course it depends on whether I will have the support of Dukla and the union. By not starting the Olympics, I will have completely different conditions.

The European Championships in Munich and the World Championships in Eugene will take place next year.

I have already experienced two peaks, even though I was in a different situation. You need to choose what will be more important to you. I really like it in Eugene, I raced there in the Diamond Leagues, there will be a great atmosphere, like it’s a Mecca of running. But the main highlight should be the European Championship, from where I would like to take home the medal. I know how performance has improved in my discipline, it will be very difficult, but if I stay healthy, it is not an unrealistic goal. And I would definitely like to say goodbye to the spectators at some nice race, not such a painful season.

The Czech young man conquered the world. But he has to be careful during training, otherwise it is about life

This is what you have in common with Barbora Špotáková. She also doesn’t want to end up disappointed and without spectators.

Certainly. We are both competitors, we are driven forward by the support of the audience, without it it is very difficult to motivate and give our best. I would like to say goodbye somewhere where I like it and where the stadium will be full.

Three of the four best times in history have fallen in Tokyo, the world and European records have shifted… Aren’t the performances of Americans and Dutch Bools demotivating for you?

I was just on vacation, I always gave myself a warning when I wanted to see something. A friend was betting, he always asked me what would happen if I understood. So I didn’t hit a single tip other than obstacles. (smile) I find it crazy where it climbed. When I won, there was a time of 53.80 per medal at each championship, it was not enough for sixth place here… I really know that I don’t have such times, but there are also Diamond League races where those times are not so crazy. And for performances around 54.80, I believe I still have.

So are you planning to say goodbye next year? Next season will be pre-Olympic again…

I don’t want to keep looking. I love Paris, I was there three times in the Diamond League, I won there. I was excited when I got the Olympics, but I figured out how much I would have, and I’m a realist. I think I know when to stop.

Are you still tempted to ever try a multi-combat in which you were also successful in the past?

I always enjoy training, I jump high with the multi-combatants, I still have it in me, it’s like riding a bike. But I’m a maximalist, and when something doesn’t go the way I want, it annoys me. Plus, I’d be terribly broken…



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