Clemente: “Now there are no tickets in football, there are no crashes … it looks like basketball”

Dfter the victory of the Spanish selection in view of Kosovo and the defeat of Sweden on Greece what makes The Red once again depends on herself to attend the World Cup event, the coach of Libya and former national selector has gone through Daily to analyze the actuality of Spain and, above all, the role of the coach.

Coach role: “Luis Enrique does what he believes, what he feels and what he wants. It is his job. If the people want something else, then let them become coaches. The journalist may or may not agree, but he is not on the team. In football you have to talk. I resigned because I wanted to, I had reached an extreme. Cyprus was a great rival, and the coach is not to blame for losing. The media should reflect on: are all coaches dumb and we choose? the worst players? Well, I don’t know. “

Kosovo: “A country, even if it is very small, can leave you 14 kids and make you a great team. And they no longer have to be good, you can have a good game and beat a big one. In basketball it is different. a big team. But football is different. “

Assumption of missing the World Cup: “If we don’t go to the World Cup, we have to take a turn? Well, I don’t think so. If Luis Enrique is thrown out, the one who comes will be the same. Why are we better than Sweden? Luis Enrique is leading a team with unknown players. There are no excessively popular footballers. “

Change in football:Football has changed. Now everything is more programmed. There is a lot of system, a lot of possession. It is not vibrant. Before there was the fight, the dispute … Now? There are no crashes, the referee whistles everything … it looks like basketball “.

Griezmann: “The fans are the best in football, and Atlético has one of the best. They were pissed off when he left and now he’s back, but because he wanted to. Wouldn’t you leave to win more? , but there are many sentimental fans “.



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