Carlota Ciganda and the Solheim Cup: “We have the best team in history”

There is tranquility, security and confidence in the words of the players of the European team of the Solheim Cup that begins this Saturday in Toledo, Ohio, although they are fully aware of the arduous task they face. Winning on American soil is not an easy task, and there are those who miss the continental team led by Catriona Matthew because of the abundance of players who make their debut in the competition, but strongholds such as Melissa Reid or Carlota Ciganda consider that this team is within reach. the height of the best in history. This was made clear by the Spanish woman in the press conference she shared with the Danish Emily Pedersen and Nanna Koerstz Madsen.

“I think we have a great team, a mix of veterans and newbies who give us the energy we need. And rookies is a misleading term, because they are magnificent golfers who have been playing great all year. It is the best team that Europe can present and we are very happy. We had a good time on and off the pitch, and that is going to be the key this week, “the Navarrese recapitulated.

The stripes awarded by his four Solheim Cups disputed and the claw that has always characterized him allow him to assess one of the most tricky situations of this competition: the tee of 1. In Inverness Club, in addition, the exits of 1 and 10 are glued and surrounded by stands, which they will become a veritable boiling cauldron.

“There will be a lot of noise and a lot of American fans. I think it’s great that those streets are laid out like this. The one tee at the Solheim Cup is very special. You have to live in the moment and enjoy it. We’re all going to get nervous, but it’s important to enjoy the moment. “

Resembling a large

Apart from the curiosity of these outings, Ciganda He also had time to analyze a historic venue that has hosted numerous majors and a large number of American championships organized by the USGA. “It is a great golf course. I think it will be difficult, very firm, dry and fast, since it is not expected to rain. It will be similar to playing a great one, because if you miss the green it costs a lot to recover. You have to catch greens and give you birdie opportunities … although ultimately it is about match-play and you have to beat whoever is in front of you, “explained the Spaniard.

The current situation has caused Carlota Ciganda face this competition differently than before. His family would not be by his side or have the support of the European public. “Only my boyfriend and I have come. My family would have loved to come, but we have not been able to get the necessary permits for them to travel and many people have The same thing. It’s a shame not to have them here or to have European fans due to the closure of borders due to the covid. In any case, we arrived with the desire to fight. We know that they see us from home and that everyone supports us. to win this week, “adds Ciganda.

Despite the difficulties, and resorting to the typical, Navarrese He has this appointment marked in red on the calendar and he trusts in the possibilities of his team. “I love the Solheim Cup. It’s my favorite week of the year. I love playing for Europe, for the team, for the cup. I love the atmosphere, whether it’s in the dressing room, outside or playing. This year there will be a lot of American fans and It will not be easy, but we will do our best and compete to the maximum. I think we have one of the best European teams in history, “added Ciganda. “They are all playing very well. At the British Open, four of the girls were among the top five and it shows. We all play in the United States and that is important, especially in this edition that is held here. We all play on the LPGA. against the best, and that makes you overcome because you face difficult courses and the toughest rivals “.

The next edition will be held for the first time in Spain, at Finca Cortesn, in 2023, which increases the ambition for a successful defense. “I am very excited. To have a Solheim in Spain, in Andalusia, is incredible. I am very happy that it has come true. I would love to be on that team and win the Solheim there for everyone, for Spain and for Europe. For our golf It is wonderful to know that we can organize tournaments of this magnitude, Spain is one of the best countries, in every way, and hopefully everything goes well and that Europe wins that cup.

La Solheim jr. for Europe

In 2007, Carlota Ciganda was part of the European team winning the PING Junior Solheim Cup for the last time. Fourteen years later, and with the captain of Annika Sorenstam, Europe has achieved another milestone by achieving its third triumph in the competition, first of them on the other side of the Atlantic, and in the ranks Two budding stars of national golf have appeared on this team, Cayetana Fernndez and Andrea Revuelta from Madrid.

Combining claw, quality, talent and self-confidence, The Europeans have dyed the marker blue on the decisive day of singles and, although the challenge was considerable because they started with a four-stroke disadvantage after the opening day of fourballs and foursomes and were obliged to achieve 8.5 of the 12 points in contention, in the end they ended up beating the brave Americans in the beautiful route of the Sylvania Country Club.



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