By word of mouth | The mail


Saturday, September 4, 2021, 00:04

This summer, which has the days numbered, a name has spread by word of mouth on the frontons. It’s about Jokin Altuna. One of those strikers that evoke scents of yesterday. Nobody has been indifferent. His repertoire is wide, varied, with shots taken from the holy book of professional balloting, and that in the opinion of the Sanhedrin “is one of the best strikers in recent times.”

Artists of this fur, who hide the ball in the most unlikely places, with duende and infinite subtlety, are very much needed in these turbulent times that we live plagued by a pandemic that has come to alter the course of the people. The Guipuzcoan, who in this long Master has shown all his eternal science, has been the joy of summer.

It is the Master Caixa Bank play-offs that are knocking on the competitive door this coming weekend. Today the opening takes place in Zierbana. A high tension match, Elezkano II and Mariezkurrena face Laso and Salaverri.

Both defenders will have a lot to say. The contrast in the long paintings reveals the fledgling against the experience. The young Navarrese, possessing two large levers, opens a lot of space behind. If you play with consistency and sense, you can put your opponent in trouble, who is a neophyte in stellar.

In the short frames, two forwards collide with a different script. The Biscayan from Zaratamo, I call him the quiet man, has his best weapon in his left hand. He likes to explore the ‘txoko’, he has a long ‘besagain’ and his short volley does a lot of damage.

On Sunday in Zumaia the presence of Jokin Altuna is announced. You have before you a new challenge to meet. With Aranguren, a bodyguard with pronounced saw teeth, they rival Mikel Urrutikoetxea and Martija. The master of Amezketa, a true figure, who draws dream shots, will have to bring all his finishing arsenal to the coastal fronton.

‘Urruti’ and his traveling companion presumably flee from the territory of Altuna III and insistently seek Aranguren’s position, knowing that entering the domain of the Manomanista champion is not the right thing to do. The Biscayan with a good ball extension already knows that the object of desire is called Arangueren. They will go for him again and again.

In the world of professional ballplaying there is currently an uncertainty around a few pelotaris that their contractual relationship with their respective companies ends this 2021. Some are with their ears raised awaiting events. For their part, the companies are completely silent. They do not loose garment. We must wait for events. Time to time.



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