Blanquer confirms on RTL its entry into force on September 30

Football, judo, handball or even dance. As of September 30, young people aged 12 to 17 will in turn need the health pass to get to their sporting activities. Despite the latest encouraging figures concerning the coronavirus epidemic, vigilance remains in order.

Asked about a possible postponement of the date of entry into force of this new extension of the health pass, “there is no change expected in the short term“, answers Jean-Michel Blanquer at the microphone of RTL. With this measure” announced a long time ago “, the Minister of National Education hopes to encourage adolescents to be vaccinated” to be able to live a normal life “. Here too the figures are encouraging, he said, as “more than 70%” of young people have received at least one dose of vaccine against the coronavirus.

Faced with the concerns of sports federations with regard to this health constraint, Jean-Michel Blanquer explains that the clubs are supported “so that things are facilitated”. The Minister of Education mentions in particular the establishment ofa Sport Pass containing a check for 50 euros in order to allow each family to register the child for a sporting activity.

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