Basketball summer league has ended – Urfanatik News

Teams in 2 categories, U16- AND U18 Girls and Boys, came face to face with the league, which was made to satisfy the basketball longing after the pandemic and to prepare for the new season.

After the leagues were not formed due to the pandemic and school sports were not done, a nice formation was made in order that all leagues will be formed this season and that the athletes can prepare for the new season.

The matches played in the 11 April gymnasium featured enjoyable matches. While watching the matches, the matches where the struggle was at a high level, in fact the longing that the athletes felt for the parquet, the smiles in their eyes when they took the basketball in their hands, I felt the happiness of meeting the parquet again in the athletes.

In the interview I had with the Turkish Basketball Federation Provincial Representative and Super League observer Namık Kemak ERGÜVEN after the match: ERGÜVEN, who stated that our referees and athletes felt their longing for basketball and the excitement they experienced as soon as they stepped on the court, said that the formation of the new pre-season summer league will make a great contribution to the athletes and that only He stated that not the athletes, but the coaches, that they slightly relieved their longing for basketball before the season. He wished that there will be competitive competitions in the new season and that these matches will be played in an atmosphere of high viewing pleasure. Basketball lovers from Şanlıurfa stated that they are waiting for the 11 April gymnasium to watch our youth.

After the speech, the conclusion that I deduced from my conversations with the families of Referees, Coaches, Athletes and Athletes was actually the common thought that there was a longing for basketball.

We need to instill basketball or other branches in our children and our environment. I wanted to remind once again that it is our duty as parents to instill this for healthier and more beautiful generations.

I wish the 2021-2022 season to be a healthy season without injury….


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