Barça: Messi’s number 10 has found a taker

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If Lionel Messi (34 years old, 1 appearance in L1 this season) wears the No.30 at Paris Saint-Germain, his No.10 will remain forever engraved in the history of FC Barcelona, ​​which he left this summer. The withdrawal of his number was mentioned for a time, but the Barcelona leaders finally chose a player to continue the work of “La Pulga”: Ansu Fati (18 years old)!

As Barça announced on social networks on Wednesday, the left winger will wear the number of his illustrious predecessor this season. A N ° 10, “made in La Masia”, the Blaugrana training center, like Messi. As a reminder, Fati recently returned to training after missing most of the past exercise due to a left knee injury.

VIDEO: Ansu Fati inherits the No. 10 left free by Lionel Messi in Barcelona

Read 17.549 times – by Gilles Campos on 09/01/2021 at 13:32


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