Bale also opposes Wenger!

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Since Arsène Wenger’s announcement on his desire to revolutionize football by proposing in particular the holding of a Euro and a World Cup every two years, many players in the round have strongly criticized this proposal. . And it is not Gareth Bale who will say the opposite.

Bale wants to keep the tradition!

Asked about the subject, the Real Madrid striker did not see fit to change the tradition and the historical dimension of a World Cup: “I like the tradition of all four years. The World Cup has this prestige, like the Olympics, taking place every four years. It’s a little more special because it doesn’t happen too often. Every two years, I don’t really like it because it loses this historical dimension “. Arsène Wenger seems decidedly alone in this fight …

to summarize

Gareth Bale, like many football players is not for Arsene Wenger’s proposal to organize a World Cup every two years. For the Real Madrid striker, it is important that tradition is respected.


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