Atlético Nacional: ‘We are living the tournament with humility, step by step’: Yerson Candelo | Colombian Soccer | Betplay League

One of the figures in Atlético Nacional’s triumph over La Equidad was Yerson Candelo, the Valle del Cauca winger valued the collective effort and in the 45 minutes he played in the complementary stage, he gave the team oxygen and led it to a result that has it very close to qualifying for home runs

“We love living this moment, what people outside the group feel, the favoritism and positive things being said about the team. We are living the tournament with humility, this is step by step, we must try to be solid. We know there is more than half the tournament to go and we still haven’t won anything, ”Candelo said at a press conference.

As for his experience with the Colombian National Team in the qualifying matches, which, although he did not have minutes, he could be part of the national team. Returning from the concentration and acting with his team, the Valle del Cauca explained that “I come back with enthusiasm, with the desire to contribute when necessary. In this game I was able to enter and I helped the group to get the three points that was the final objective ”.

Finally, he detailed about the change in the team’s operation for the second half, where the goals arrived to achieve this victory against an opponent, which they could not overcome since 2016. “The analysis group that we have is decisive to identify areas where we can take advantage of the spaces, get to attack them and be able to take the result in favor. La Equidad is an intense rival, applied in the middle and defensive zone, this motivates us to demand more of ourselves, to continue improving and in this way we are going to achieve the great objective that we have which is to get the title ”.

Juan Camilo Alvarez Serrano

FUTBOLRED correspondent


En Twitter: @juanchoserran8



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