Atlético Nacional: Kevin Mier possible starter for next games in Liga Betplay 2021 | Colombian Soccer | Betplay League

With the possible call of Aldair Quintana to the Colombian National Team for the World Cup qualifying matches in Qatar 2022, against Uruguay, Brazil and Ecuador, Kevin Mier is waiting to respond to the responsibility of playing in key Atlético Nacional matches, such as the first leg of the semifinal of the Colombia Cup and the league game against Atlético Huila, to mention the matches that Purslane could miss.

The goalkeeper from Barranquilla takes his team work seriously and hopes to stand out in one of the biggest goals in the country.

“We have been working very well with Professor Milton Patiño, concentrating on the start and start of the game. I have been working to assume my moment and I hope to do it in the best way. If they call Aldair (Quintana), I must assume responsibility in the bow, “he said.

In addition, “we are growing, strengthened in the mental part. With Aldair (Quintana) I learn a lot, we have a very strong group, with a lot of quality and we hope to continue showing a great level”.

Regarding the number of Colombian goalkeepers who are in La Liga clubs, Kevin commented that “it is very good that there are more goalkeepers competing in the League. Hopefully it is a good time for more players to continue showing a high level and that they can play in the league. Exterior”.

Regarding the analysis of the rivals and if he feels capable of facing a shoot-out from the penalty spot, the goalkeeper explained that “we continue working, we study the rivals, their way of executing penalties, we are all trained and we can assume the Responsibility before a penalty shootout. The importance they give me in the team comes from the minor divisions. The teachers know me very well, they make me grow every day in my career “.

Finally, he gave his opinion on Deportivo Pereira, the next rival in the League. “Pereira is a team that has been growing, ahead it has unbalancing players who can make a difference.”

Juan Camilo Alvarez Serrano
FUTBOLRED correspondent
En Twitter: @juanchoserran8



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