“A victory can lift the environment as in the case of Juve”

The colleague Marchetti on TMW has also expressed himself on Juventus in his editorial for Tutomercaoweb. Her words: “3 days of Europe, 3 days, first judgments, sometimes definitive.
And one wonders, of course, if all this is not hectic. In some cases, certainly yes. The moods, the interpretations, the moods are necessarily conditioned by the results. But we always tend to see, at least for most of the considerations, only the last one. Often “forgetting” what happened previously. Sometimes – it is true – a victory can revive an environment, as for example in the case of Juve. It can help to bring back the smile and therefore to work better during the week, it can dissolve the tensions and toxins of a bad start to the championship.
Many (fans) ask why Allegri enjoys the benevolence of the press: the results obtained so far are certainly no better than those of Sarri or Pirlo who have been exonerated and who have not been granted an appeal. Given that I don’t think Allegri has been spared from criticism, in this start, the same yardstick has been given for everyone. The coach is part of a much larger project. It is certainly one of the focal points of building a team, but not the only one. And to make everything work well, everything else must work well: the coach alone is not enough. One may be more effective than another, one may function better in one environment than in another. But you can’t do it all by yourself. This is why the difficulties that began to exist with Sarri, which then continued with Pirlo and then also reached Allegri. In between is the club, the market, the opponents and your players. Allegri could have done better: of course yes. But work cannot always and only be evaluated through a result (or 3).
So why did two exemptions arrive after just 3 games? Was the situation really that compromised? We assume that a waiver is always a failure. Not just the coach who is relieved of office. But of a project that must be put aside, of a relationship that has frayed. And these two categories probably include the two exemptions of Cagliari and Verona.
In Cagliari, you will remember, they wanted to change coaches in the summer. Juric was courted, who then went to Turin. Evidently since then the relationship with Semplici was not oiled. And when you start with these assumptions, the championship is never a good thing. Defeats (especially painful ones like the last against Genoa) can be devastating. Sure reasoning would invite us to say that then the choice should have been made previously. To start a new project, if there was not enough confidence previously. The renewal of the contract was confirmed Semplici, it was thought during the market. The termination report has not arrived and has arrived. In short, there had been some signal. Beyond the humor of some decisions that have always been part of the world of football and that have never left Sardinia.
Different speech instead in Verona. Seen from a distance it seemed more a lack of feeling rather than a problem of results. Juric’s legacy was not simple and Di Francesco’s “bet” was weighted. There was no doubt about the value of the coach, despite the not so positive post-Roma experiences. The path that Di Francesco wanted to trace was according to his ideas and his character, as it should be. A different approach than Juric’s, but no less effective. What was missing, if the farewell came after just 3 days and after some not scandalous performances, was the feeling. In some respects, if you like, even trust. The graft did not take root. Let’s put it this way: Di Francesco in this world Verona did not work. And then, for the common good, to avoid dragging a relationship wearing it down and really risking breaking it, it is better to make a choice against the tide and separate. Of course this, we imagine, was not a will on the part of the coach. Who would have liked to prove his worth in an ambitious square. But the evaluations of these first two months of work have led the management and the owners to a decision that is as sensational as it is clear: change. Going to get a coach with perhaps less experience than his predecessor, but with a feeling (they hope in Verona) that can blossom into a constructive relationship.
Of the three days of Europe, one is missing. The balance is certainly not positive, but there are positive signs. Juve did what they had to do, we saw a toned Atalanta, we saw the Milanese fight (even if losing) against the two big players in the group. More could have been collected, it would also have been good for morale. And maybe, really, this is one of the cases in which you have to look less at the result and more attitude and performance “.


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