Yulimar Rojas, gold with a stratospheric record

I. Barcia

Updated:01/08/2021 19:54h


If Ana Peleteiro had to do the contest of her life yesterday to hang the bronze, the Venezuelan Yulimar Rojas, training partner of the Galician, showed why she is one of the best of all time in this specialty. Unique, unmatched, the South American waited for the last jump to achieve her dream, achieving the world record held by Inessa Kravets with 15.50. Since yesterday in Tokyo, the triple jump record remains in 15.67. All this because Rojas, who from his first attempt made it clear that the gold was going to be his – he did 15.41 -, chained very long jumps – several null – until the last one was valid. Like in a movie, the record reached the end.

With the gold decided, the struggle was in the rest of the metals. Well, bronze was really fought because in the fight for silver, Patricia Mamona He also put a very high price on his first attempt with a very serious 14.91 – then he would go up to 15.01, the best European mark in history.

Peleteiro, who had a very good entry into the contest with 14.55, closed the first round in fourth place. His second attempt led him to beat the Spanish record with 14.77, his best mark ever, higher even than those 14.73 on the indoor track. The Galician was consolidated in third place, earning the right to dream of bronze.

The problem came in the fourth round, when South African Jam Ricketts jumped 14.84, seven centimeters more than the Spanish, pressured by having to beat herself again, yes or yes, to be at least bronze. But Peleteiro’s DNA never allows him to give up, and on the fifth attempt he made a huge jump that took him to 14.87. Three centimeters more than the Jamaican and again a Spanish record. There was a round of heart attack where Peleteiro defended that third place. Ricketts stayed away. The bronze medal was for the Galician, the leader of Spanish athletics, it was on her neck. Then came the return to the stadium, absolute happiness while Rojas consolidated himself as one of the figures of these Tokyo Games with a brutal leap.

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