Under Gamba Game 2021: at Riva degli Etruschi sport has no boundaries

San Vincenzo (Livorno): The Sotto Gamba Game, organized by Toscana Disabili Sport Onlus and Tutun Club Sport e Servizi with the support for the reception of the Onlus Handy Superabile, is preparing for the start again this year. The event will take place from Friday 17th to Sunday 19th September in the enchanting setting of Riva degli Etruschi in San Vincenzo (Livorno).

Now in its fifth edition without ever forgetting the first article of the International Charter for Education and Sport which establishes “The practice of physical education and sport is a fundamental right for everyone …”, Sotto Gamba Game proposes itself, in a context sporty and fun, as an opportunity to address important issues such as accessible tourism, architectural barriers or simply everyday life. The event will be open to access and aimed at overcoming ideological, emotional and psychological prejudices thanks to a series of tests that will put athletes with different abilities on a par.

As in previous years there will be many sports to practice, in a menu that in full Tuscan style will be articulated between land and sea with over twenty disciplines that include water sports such as sailing, windsurfing, surfing, kite surfing, sup and adaptive surf, canoeing, swimming and wakesurfing while on land you can choose between tennis, basketball, triathlon, table tennis, handbike, mountain bike, archery, sitting-volley, fencing, paddle, zumba and more. There are two meeting and sporting places: Punto Villaggio and Punto Spiaggia both within the Riva degli Etruschi structure, located in one of the most beautiful points of the Tuscan coast, rich in culture and food and wine.

New this year the participation of the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired Tuscany Region and the battleship of the Polha-Varese Asd, one of the largest sports clubs for people with disabilities with over 10 different disciplines to its credit, which will integrate with the Sotto Gamba Game with other sporting activities, exhibitions and technologies.

But that’s not all, for the first time there will be a Workshop dedicated to topical issues: aids and prostheses, how to best use them; new technologies; approach to disability and accessible tourism. Start scheduled for Friday 17 September at 2.30 pm preceded by a press conference at 2.00 pm, all broadcast on our channels to avoid crowds.

To promote a sport tourism experience that can be enjoyed in complete autonomy, all the spaces of the Sotto Gamba Game 2021 will make use of the logistical arrangements made available by leading companies in the mobility sector such as Ortopedia Michelotti and Ottobock Italia (for reservations: Ottobock.it) , which will allow you to try out the latest innovations on the market for free with regard to prosthetics and sports mobility. The event will also be attended by sports associations of professional athletes from all over the world with the welcome provided by Proloco San Vincenzo and Handy Superabile. All with specialized personnel and technicians prepared to work with disabilities and able to ensure the best assistance and hospitality.

Sotto Gamba Game 2021 is sponsored by: Tuscany Region, San Vincenzo-Livorno Municipality, FIV (Italian Sailing Federation), CIP Toscana (Tuscan Paralympic Committee), FIT (Italian Tennis Federation), FISPES (Italian Federation of Paralympic and Experimental Sports) and numerous other sports federations and trade associations.



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