UASLP opened test fields to integrate CONDDE selections

* It is expected that next November, the highest house of studies will host the national event

August 28, 2021 by Drafting

The Student Services Division of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí through the Department of Sports launched the call to carry out its test fields to integrate the teams in the female and male branches in various disciplines.

Manuel Candia Rivera, coordinator of the test fields, explained that this call is open from August 23 to September 4, 2021, for the sports disciplines of basketball, badminton and tochito.

He explained that the intention of integrating the representatives of the UASLP is so that they take part in the CONDDE university championships that will take place during the months of October and November, and that they have as possible headquarters, the Autonomous University of San Luis. Potosi.

He said that in order to participate in the test fields, and in the face of the covid-19 pandemic, it is necessary to fill out a registry where the health status of each of the applicants to integrate the university selected is specified, this with the aim of safeguarding the health of all participants, both coaches and students.

“Due to this situation, the dynamics have changed and that is why this virtual record is given that will allow a first approach together with the coaches, to later organize the test field in person, the first thing is to take care of health, to know who the boys are , who have aptitudes and integrate them to the representative teams of the University ”.

He also explained that one of the basic requirements is to be registered students, “it applies to all university campuses, including female and postgraduate students, who wish to integrate the different sports teams.”

On the other hand, Manuel Candia Rivera said that the call for the testing ground of the other sports disciplines of the Institution will be launched soon.

For more information and registrations, please call 4448261444, or register online through

We will continue to inform.

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