Two for one – DiarioSports

Last night the fourth date of the Associative Basketball Tournament was played. The three teams from our city played with two wins and one loss.

With the resumption of the entire date, the championship organized by the San Francisco Basketball Association returned with three matches in the First Division.

In the most disputed match of the night, El Tala could not beat Sociedad Sportiva Devoto and fell at the “Luis Rafael Ferreyra” by 57-53.

It should be noted that this meeting marked the debut of Esteban Olivero as DT del “albo”. As well as the San Francisco team, Lucas Longo made his debut as coach.

Esteban Olivero directed El Tala for the first time

El Ceibo remains undefeated in the tournament last night, reaping its fourth consecutive win by beating Almafuerte de Las Varillas at home by a resounding 91 to 69.

In this way, those of “mara” Blengini continue to command the Associative in solitude without knowing defeat.

Finally, San Isidro beat Cultural Arroyito in the “Severo Robledo” by 93-49 and recovered from the defeat it had suffered in the classic against El Ceibo.

Positions table

El Ceibo 8
Almafuerte 6
The Tala 6
San Isidro 6
Sportiva Society 6
Cultural Arroyito 4


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