Tokyo Paralympic Games 2020 Breaking News: Olympic and Paralympic Games: Yomiuri Online

On the 26th, Japan defeated Colombia 63-56 (36-28 in the first half) in the first match of the Tokyo Paralympics wheelchair basketball boys to start the white star. Young growth stock,

(22) (WOWOW) gained momentum with 15 points, 17 rebounds and 10 assists in a “triple-double”.

In the wheelchair basketball men’s first league match against Colombia, Renshi Toriumi (right) shoots a shot with “tilting” that raises one wheel and gains height (at Musashino Forest Sport Plaza on the 26th)

Born in Nagasaki prefecture. He had a natural disability in both legs and hands and amputated below his knees at the age of three. Still, in the nursery school, I lived like a healthy child. His outstanding physical ability from an early age, such as climbing on the playset and climbing stairs in a handstand, is linked to his current appearance of moving around the court with speed and sharp movements.

At the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Games, he was represented at the age of 17, and was the youngest member of the team to experience the world stage. The high school students, whose lines were outstandingly thin, grew stronger both physically and mentally over the next five years.

The technique of freely manipulating the wheelchair by dashing, stopping, turning, etc. is high, and there are also scenes where you run the front court to catch up with a long pass that runs through the length of the court and calmly score a goal by “trapping” the ball with one hand. In the 5th minute remaining in the 4th quarter when Japan was caught up and stuck, he sent a Nooruk pass to Hide Toyoshima (WOWOW) while cutting into the paint area to assist the goal and cut off the unpleasant flow.

After the match, when asked about triple-doubles, he smiled like everybody, saying, “It’s amazing.” The highest record for Japanese men in the Paralympics is 7th. Aim to win the first medal in Tokyo. The next ace candidate said, “Tomorrow we will improve what we did not do well today. We will continue what we did well tomorrow. We want to be a better team throughout the tournament and achieve results.” (Yomiuri Shimbun Online)



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