They stole 100,000 pesos and 4,000 dollars in a house in the Salto Nuevo neighborhood

Yesterday morning at 11:34 am, on Avenida Solari and Itapebí in the Salto Nuevo neighborhood, a person of legal age reported that at 09:00 he left his house, when he returned he noticed disorder inside and the missing 100,000 Uruguayan pesos in cash and 4,000 dollars that were in a small safe, in a piece of furniture inside the house.
A man made a complaint stating that around 10:00 p.m. on Sunday, damage was found to the main door and padlocks of the Central Cemetery, inside a room it was possible to observe the twisting of a door and the missing of $ U 10,000 . Staff from the Scientific Police Department attended. Investigations Directorate works.
At the end of July, the Police received a complaint, where a person of legal age stated that a man accompanied by another entered the premises of his house on Cerrito and Itapebí Street, Barrio Ceibal, without his authorization, in search of his son. When they leave, they take clothes from the clothesline, not being the first time that happens, and they do not only enter their home, but also that of their neighbors. According to data collection, information analysis, inquiries with witnesses, a man was taken to the First Instance Criminal and Second-Shift Juvenile Court of Jumping, where, once the proceedings were completed, the conviction of the person with initials BEPF was ordered. 22 years old, as a criminally responsible perpetrator of an aggravated home violation crime, to a sentence of four months in prison for effective compliance, with a discount of the time of detention suffered.


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