They return with the Provincial League – DiarioSports

The U17 category of El Ceibo and San Isidro return to play officially this weekend with the dispute of the Provincial League of Clubs of that division.

Between Sunday and Monday the clubs of our city will once again jump on the floor in an official way. They will dispute postponed dates of the U17 Provincial League that had already started before the stop by the second wave of Covid 19.

El Ceibo integrates Zone D together with Poeta Lugones and Barrio Maipú de Córdoba and also in front of CARIB de Tancacha. On Sunday from 11 am the match against Poeta Lugones will play at the “Antonio Cena” stadium at home.

For its part, San Isidro shares Zone G with Unión Central de Villa María, Lambert de Monte Maíz and Argentino de Marcos Juárez. Precisely against these last two teams they will face on Sunday and Monday.

On Sunday he will face Argentino in Marcos Juárez while on Monday he will also be a visitor to Lambert de Monte Maíz.

For the two teams it will be the debut in this Provincial League since before the stoppage they could not play any match.


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