They continue to promote personal defense courses in Tuxtla Gutiérrez

Civil associations, in coordination with the sports authorities of the state of Chiapas, continue to bet on holding workshops or courses on self-defense for the female population, mainly in Tuxtla Gutiérrez. Such was the case of the workshop on prevention-reaction tactics to avoid attacks on women.

This workshop was held on August 14 and 15, where the Civil Association, Strategy for Educational Development was the one who led all the works, where the instructor Eduardo Grajales was present, where for the good fortune of this AC, not only they were women from the education sector, but also from another professional branch who joined the jobs.

“This course is taught by a group of specialists in educational matters, there are professionals in the field of law, psychology and I, as a pedagogue and instructor in some martial arts,” explains the instructor.

The main focus of the course was on how to perceive the schemes of self-defense, as well as techniques to deactivate an aggression and flee from violence, hoping that the message has been captured, both for the women and men present in the two days of the workshop .

The personal defense part was well complemented with psychological work, as well as talks on legal issues, “In the first phase, we see what should be done in case of an attack, emphasizing not to resort to the law of an eye for an eye. , and better to go to government institutions in search of protection “, mentions in an interview the instructor, Eduardo Grajales.

In the work aspect of defense techniques, the course was very well balanced, since many disciplines were put into practice, mostly martial, “we saw techniques that have been collected from boxing, Brazilian jiu jitsu, Thai boxing, judo . Very effective techniques that help you deactivate a situation where your life is at risk and the only thing you want is to drive away the aggressor and flee, ”said Grajales.


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