the United States is confirmed as gold, but the gap from the Europeans is getting smaller and smaller – OA Sport

The USA wins the fourth consecutive gold medal in Olympic basketball, the seventh in the last eight editions (in Athens Argentina won, ed) and the sixteenth of their history. An absolute domination which, however, sees the gap with the others shrink edition after edition.

Looking atera del Dream Team, that is, starting from Barcelona 1992, we see how the United States continue to be the team to beat, but, except in one edition, they have always had to fight to the last. In 1992 the final against Croatia ended with an indisputable 117-85 at the end of a tournament where the NBA phenomena put on a show and had fun.

Not unlike the final four years later, in Atlanta, when playing at home the Americans wanted to show off until the last and in the final against Yugoslavia they won with a clear 95-69. Apparently the Americans don’t like that part of Europe, given that by switching to 2016 in Rio, they imposed themselves with a severe 96-66 over Serbia. But on this occasion the result was the classic exception that confirms the rule.

In fact, from 2000 to today, the US has won, but never dominated in an embarrassing way. In addition to the defeat in the semifinals with Argentina in 2004, in fact, the Americans beat France in 2000 85-75, then twice there Spain, in Beijing 118-107 and in London 107-100. This tells the numbers of the final acts, but there is more.

The gap has not only narrowed in the decisive challenge of the Olympic Games, but it has also been highlighted for years in the group stage and in the playoffs how European basketball has increased in level – also thanks to the many players who today play in the NBA compared to the past – and how the US needs to adapt to Fiba basketball before fully entering the tournament. In short, the United States is still the masters, but the pupils are learning fast.

Credits: Ciamillo


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