The legionnaires are working on their trauma – Legionnaires News

The recent semi-final against Master Heidenheim reverberates. Coach Bison will remain a trainer in Regensburg in 2022.

By Matthias Ondracek

18. August 2021

4:30 a.m.

In the regular season with ten home runs Regensburg’s best, in the playoffs without success: Legionnaire David Grimes Photo: Christian Brussels

Regensburg.The pictures were very much alike: drooping heads among the Regensburgers, great jubilation among the Heidenheimers. As in the previous year, the Guggenberg legionnaires lost to the future baseball champions from Baden-Württemberg in a nerve-wracking semi-final series. Again it was over before the final. The decision was made again in the fifth and final game. Again it was just a run that stood between sadness and joy. And again it was the Heideköpfe who thwarted the Schwabelweisers in the hunt for the sixth championship after 2013.

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Further articles from this section can be found under Legionnaires.


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