The great Pontine baseball player Alex Sambucci is the grandson of the Nobel Prize for Medicine Edmond H. Fisher

Alex Sambucci – an excellent baseball player from Latina – has achieved important successes in his long career. In recent days he won the Champions Cup with the Parma shirt, making him the best player ever in the continental event. We noticed that Alex added Fischer to his usual surname. Because? Sambucci is the grandson of one of the greatest scientists of all time. Hedmond Henri Fischer (Shanghai, April 6, 1920) is a Swiss-born American chemist and biologist. Born in Shanghai, at the age of seven he was sent to study in Switzerland and graduated in chemistry from the Geneva Academy. He emigrated to the United States to work as an associate researcher with the Rockefeller Foundation and in 1961 held the chair of biochemistry at the University of Washington. He received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1992 along with Edwin Krebs, for his work on protein phosphorylation. is an independent newspaper that does not receive any public funding. If you like our work and want to help us in our mission you can offer us a coffee by making a donation, we will be extremely grateful.

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Paolo Iannuccelli was born in Correggio, province of Reggio Emilia, on 2 October 1953, he resides in Nettuno, after having lived for over fifty years in Latina. Currently he deals with publishing, communication and sport. A fundamental and important part of his life is dedicated to sport, as an athlete, coach, manager, journalist, organizer, promoter, consultant, in basketball. In his career he has won seven championships as coach, seven as president. He has done voluntary work in structures hosting people in difficulty, always trying to help the weak and oppressed. He is a member of the Panathlon Club International, the Lions Club Terre Pontine and the National Union of Veterans of Sport. In basketball he was a pupil of Asa Nikolic, the greatest European coach of all time. In sports journalism he was followed by Aldo Giordani, historical Rai commentator, founder and director of the Superbasket magazine. He is currently president of the 1968 Latina Basketball Association. He has collaborated with local and national newspapers, published technical books on basketball and local history, customs and traditions. He deeply loves Latina and Ponza, the homeland of the heart.


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