The basketball training championship begins on Monday

The Salteña Basketball League confirmed that the Salta Training Championship will begin next Monday, August 23, which will have the first two dates in a row, ending on Tuesday because the coaches are going to take a Zoom course with coaches from Argentina , Brazil and Spain.
After the first two stages, the championship will normalize in its dispute on Fridays and Saturdays, as had been happening habitually and at the request of the coaches.
The competition will be played in a free-for-all regime of home and away on two wheels. The second phase will be play offs, facing the best of three games, the first with the fourth and the second with the third. The two winners will advance to the finals, also to the best of three matches.
University will not participate in U19 as they have not completed the campus. Whoever has to face in the fixture will have a free date. The club needs to regularize this foul for 2022 or it will not be able to play that year in the first division.
This training championship would begin with four referees and then more than those who were active would join. There are twenty referees taking the Zoom course with the Uruguayan Federation (FUBB), many of them young people who are making their first weapons. After receiving face-to-face classes, they will be evaluated by people from the FUBB and may be qualified, at least to lead in training sessions.
The current referees have done a physical job classified as very good in the internship, by Professor Isabel Viselec.
Teams: 1.-University, 2.-National, 3.-Ferro Carril, 4.-Círculo Sportivo, 5.-Salto Uruguay and 6.-Atlético Juventus.
Date 1: National – University, Ferro Carril – Atlético Juventus, Círculo Sportivo – Salto Uruguay.
Date 2: University – Ferro Carril, National – Círculo Sportivo, Salto Uruguay – Atlético Juventus.
Date 3: University – Círculo Sportivo, Ferro Carril – Salto Uruguay, National – Atlético Juventus.
Date 4: University – Salto Uruguay, Atlético Juventus – Círculo Sportivo, Ferro Carril – National.
Date 5: Atlético Juventus – University, Salto Uruguay – National, Círculo Sportivo – Ferro Carril.
Monday 23-8. Time 6.30 pm category Minis.
Tuesday 24-8. Time 19.30 category U13. Time 21.00 category U17.
Thursday 26-8. Time 19.30 category U15. Time 21.00 category U19.


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