Teofilo Gutiérrez first training session at Deportivo Cali and debut against Millonarios in the League | Colombian Soccer | Betplay League

One of the big hits in the Colombian passing market was the arrival of Teófilo Gutiérrez at Deportivo Cali. After a controversial departure from Junior, the Barranquilla striker was placed under the orders of Alfredo Arias.

In dialogue with the ‘VBAR’ of Caracol Radio, ‘Teo’ spoke about his departure from the rojiblanco team, gave his opinion about the Luis Amaranto Perea process, mentioned some offers he had and gave his first sensations in the green of Valle del Cauca.

Expectations in Cali – The medical staff, the directors and the President have bet on me. I came with the desire for the club to win and to put it where it deserves, obviously with the help of my teammates.

Debut –
I already started my first training session, but I had already been training and the doctor saw it in my evaluation. I think that everything is easier with the coach we have, he is very capable, he likes to attack a lot, have the ball, there are players with good footing … We are forming a good human group, which is the most important thing to win important things. I think it could be ready, the doctor released me and I can be, God willing, with the people in the stadium.

Other equipment offers – I had several calls from friends and teams with a very good size at the level of Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, here in Colombia several teams were polled, but I understood that the issue of clubs is very difficult due to the pandemic. I opted for Cali because they opened the doors for me to recover, their human qualities in every sense, and then my colleagues approached me. There is always that desire to be able to play and they have treated me very well from the first day, that sometimes is worth more than many things, it is nice that they love you.

Position – We talk a lot today, he is a coach for Deportivo Cali because Cali likes to attack a lot. Hopefully we have it for a long time and together we can achieve glory. In any position where the team needs me, the most important thing is that my teammates enjoy my game, I enjoy theirs and that the coach laughs on the pitch, which is the most valuable thing for you as a player.

Antioqueños clubs offers – I had several calls that my representative communicated to me. I had options from Nacional and Medellín, it didn’t happen because they are in other interesting projects and you have to respect it.

Cycle completed in Junior – It is fulfilled, The Char family, the boss who is Fuad Char, gave me everything; Alex Char, the best mayor Barranquilla has ever had, wish him well. Hopefully at some point you can return, the truth is the most important thing because of the affection of the people, the love of the fan who transmit it every day. That is very valuable. When you have the doors open everywhere, you enjoy it and I enjoy it a lot, this football theme is very beautiful, I don’t compare it to anything. I thank God for being a footballer and more recognized, that is what you give me in your profession.

National Athletic Case – The Nacional thing was about to close, but it is also a difficult issue. I’m a Junior fan, my family too. Nacional has great players and I think that at this time I wasn’t going to go to Nacional, a big institution.

Play in teams other than Junior – I never dreamed of it, I never thought about it, it never crossed my mind. This issue of the pandemic has made the clubs suffer and I also understand the economic part because of what I earned in Junior. There are times of times, right now we have Messi in Paris, another level. I always feel identified with the Junior jersey, but I am always a professional wherever I go.

Assault on a Junior manager – What happens in the dressing room, that stays there. The most important thing is that when the boss calls you to thank you and acknowledge your work for everything you have done in the institution, it is very nice. Having other thoughts and attitudes does not mean that everything is wrong. Now we have to support and it is the message to all the fans for this difficult moment that Junior is going through and that we hope it will not be very long. Let them be in those moments because it also happened when we were in glory.

Relationship with Luis Amaranto Perea – I don’t want to talk because I was with him for a very short time. I can’t talk about it much, I try to be very respectful, if I have to say something to him, I go straight ahead and tell him. He is a coach who is growing, many handles have to fall on his head, many stones, as has happened to many veteran coaches and more in a large team like Junior.

Problems with injury and debut – I was on the recommendation of the best doctor in Colombia who is (Gustavo) Portela and I was happy to be able to represent Cali, who opened the doors to me through its president and board of directors. Many things have been said about me. I had two injuries and for infiltrating me, you know that as a player you want to be on the court and more so with the Junior jersey. I did a lot of things to play and leave everything on the court, then that happens. After a while, you have to rest and I’m already well at the manager’s disposal. I’m going to debut on Saturday (against Millonarios in Palmaseca).



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