Stephen Curry’s family drama: cross allegations of infidelity

What should have been a summer of celebration for Stephen Curry (33) after agreeing to extend his contract for four more years with Golden State Warriors for $ 215 million, it’s turning into a real nightmare after airing the family dispute between parents: Dell and Sonya Curry.

A surprise that has caught more than one changed on foot because precisely the family environment of the NBA champion was labeled by many as idyllic. But on June 14, according to TMZ, Sonya filed for divorce against Dell, a former player of several NBA teams, and in the last hours the snowball continues to grow.

And it is that the mother of Stephen, Seth and Sydel Curry assures that her husband was repeatedly unfaithful to her throughout your marriage. An accusation to which the father has responded with another with name and surname: Steven Johnson. According to Dell Curry, his wife would have also been unfaithful with the former NFL player, so the soap opera only intensifies before the astonished gaze of their children.

Dell and Sonya Curry in a 2019 image.

In fact, Dell Curry claims that Sonya actually lives with Johnson in Tennessee and claims that as a result should not be entitled to alimony as a result of the ongoing divorce. A claim that she denies. What he does recognize is that he is currently in a relationship, but that at no time did it begin while the two were living together.

According to Sonya, who denies misleading Dell, the relationship with the former NFL began “months after” she and Dell agreed to legally separate in March 2020. Since then the wick has been lighting and has exploded taking more than one by surprise.


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