Secret football fan database: Bavarian data collectors

Dhe Bavarian State Criminal Police Office has set up a database with the personal details of football fans, which was kept secret until recently. The kicker reported in its latest issue.

Accordingly, a request from the Greens in the Bavarian State Parliament has shown that the authority has been running a database with the name “EASy Violence and Sport” (EASy GS) since January 24, 2020 in addition to the nationwide “File Violence of Sport” (DGS) and thus personal details from football fans collects and evaluates.

An “individual forecast”

The database contains 1644 people, most often fans of 1. FC Nürnberg (556 people), 1860 Munich (407) and FC Bayern Munich (248). About 500 people from Bavaria are recorded in the DGS; their inclusion is based on a relevant issue. Evidently one suspicion is sufficient for registration in the EASy GS, according to the ministry an “individual prognosis”.

The Hanoverian criminal lawyer and “fan lawyer” Andreas Hüttl considers the practice to be illegal. With reference to a case in Lower Saxony, he quotes from a judgment of the Federal Administrative Court from 2017, according to which “the targeted, secret collection and use of knowledge represents a profound interference with your right to informational self-determination”. The Green Group leader Katharina Schulze said it could not be “that neither those affected know of such a file, nor that their data has been saved”.

Fan representatives also criticized heavily in some cases: “The extent of data collection in Bavaria is terrifying. This practice must be stopped immediately, “said Helen Breit, chairman of the fan association” Our curve “, the sports information service and added:” Unfortunately, such secret data collections about football fans are not an isolated case and criminalize football fans in a special way “. Above all, the storage based on an individual prognosis, “that is, without any suspicion, we vehemently reject”.



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