Santa Fe Must Have Resilience: Harold Rivera

The ‘cardinal’ coach affirmed that his team maintained order, but they scored him in an oversight.

Harold Rivera, technician from Santa Fe. / Photo: VizzorImage – Edgar Cusguen

Harold Rivera gave a press conference after the defeat of Santa Fe against Nacional. The ‘cardinal’ coach affirmed that his team maintained order, but they scored him in an oversight. In addition, he emphasized the importance of resilience to reverse poor results.

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Nacional maintained its undefeated victory against a Santa Fe that still does not add


Match balance: Many things go through the head and they are situations. We are not the worst now, nor are we the best in victory. However, football is about results and we don’t get it.

Today we were a little more conservative and they unbalanced us in one play. These situations help you grow and look forward. We will continue working and watching how we give a boost to Santa Fe, the institution is above all.

Mistakes: We can look at various aspects. We kept an order and when we were careless they wrote us down. We delivered a ball that should not be delivered, it happened a bit and maybe we could do more damage. It was a well-played match.

Trouble in the stands: That is a separate situation, but we cannot hide that many minutes were lost. Nacional did not come to us constantly to say that it distracted us.

Uplifting: You have to have a lot of resilience, be aware of what happened and work. These are moments that pass and we must find a way to reverse this situation.



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