Real Madrid: Sergio Ramos was not bluffing with Florentino Prez

Pues no, Sergio Ramos was not bluffing with Florentino Prez when last winter he told him that of: “They have told me at PSG that with Messi and with me they are going to make a great team“. Pedrerol revealed it in El Chiringuito and eight months later the ‘threat’ has been fulfilled one hundred percent. Ramos and Messi are partners in the French team, as the central defender affirmed at the time.

This conversation, that between the president and the then captain of Real Madrid, took place with the month of December unfinished, which shows that PSG had long drawn a collection of players unmatched in the history of modern football.

What does PSG offer to the players so that they end up falling for its charms? Input money. Much. More than anyone. Something very difficult to reject for any professional. Be it a journalist, painter or footballer. Make no mistake about it and that’s why you are not more or less a nickel.

“At PSG they are going to make a great team with me and Messi”THE BEACH BAR

Later, without a doubt, comes the sporty aspect, that for which Qatar spares no expense. They want the Champions League at all costs and in the last five years they have put on the table all possible arguments (money) to sign the players they think are convenient, some of them paying well above what the market indicated as the appropriate value .

The collection of stickers seems the ideal, the one dreamed by everyone who boasts of the football show (not all coaches think the same), but comes the complicated task of placing the ego of each one in its place, the one that right now happens to command Leo Messi.

Mbapp wants prominenceFeeling important within the team, something that today is not going to be easy at all. The clan formed by Neymar and Messi only needs Luis Surez for happiness to be total and absolute. Against this background, the one who must speak now is Mbapp and not. Al Khelaifi, a luxury employee at PSG.



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